ben batchelder

art of the interior/exterior

Instituto Rouanet is the latest of Tiradentes’ many artistic venues. The former home of my acquaintances, Sergio (1934-2022) and Barbara Rouanet, it was renovated and transformed into a charming exhibition space in the historic center, since 2022. Appropriately, the current exhibition is from recent (2024) works of one of the […]

insanity museum in minas

The Insanity Museum, in the interior of Minas Gerais, opened in 1996 as the first museum dedicated to mental health in Brazil.  It is a delicate subject, handled with dignity, reflection, and without excessive tut-tutting and hand-wringing. The site, on a hill outside the medium-sized city of Barbacena, encompasses a […]

brazilian mission to ica, peru 1

While Ica, Peru may not be technically belong in Backroads Brazil, during a recent mission trip we were able to be of service to a hard-working local church, including throwing a Brazilian Night (the first ever, we were told) with much worship, Brazilian food, decor, presentations, testimonies, and even a […]

the northeast’s ceará

Ceará is a state full of surprises, not all pleasant. From the bone dry caatinga (or semi-desert) interior to the altitude swamp of Ubajara’s high perch to the fleshpots of the coastal capital, Fortaleza (greatly expanded by the Yanks during WWII), the state marvels. My first encounters, after the trials […]

the 7 lost cities of piauí?

One of Brazil’s remotest national parks, Seven Cities, is an archaeological and geological wonder, named after the mythological Lost Seven Cities.  Founded in 1961, it is located in the northeast’s Piauí state, and occupies an arid middleground between the Brazilian cerrado (or dry savanna) and caatinga, or semi-desert, which is […]

disneyland of art, take 6

Inhotim, a major gem in both Brazil and the contemporary art world, is slipping into woke muck. The few galleries with rotating exhibitions were, during a recent visit, all dedicated to victimology. A recent visit in São Paulo to the Pinacoteca, a museum specializing in Brazilian art, also evidenced the […]

brazil demands freedom

Brazil is at the center of massive spiritual battles world-wide. To any objective observer, the Brazilian Presidential election was stolen in October.  With Bolsonaro consistently ahead at a third of the vote tally, all subsequent data dumps went heavily for the Worker’s Party candidate and former convict Lula – a […]

brazil, the essential country

There is a massive population of Brazilians living in the U.S., all of them concerned at the direction their home country is going.  They represent both sides of the political divide. I, personally, am with the down-trodden Brazilian worker, the Brazilian working hard to get ahead – many of them, […]

brazilian launch of “my world book 2″ & photo exhibit

We are pleased to announce the return of book and other cultural events after the world’s two year flirtation with tyranny. On Saturday, June 18th, UFMG (Federal University of Minas Gerais) is hosting both a photography show opening, titled “Serra de São José,” the national launch of My World Book […]

brazilian zeno 2 3

Zeno (2005-2022) was born in the mountainous splendor of Brazil and, accordingly, was primed for adventure. His first major roadtrip in the wilds of Brazil was along the country’s remote southern and western borders, during a 3 month journey at age 6. Not only was he fearless, he helped me […]